This planter is sure to beautify anything that lives in it. Whether it be a tree, flowers, or even umbrellas, Leslie is the perfect way to showcase them. The contrasting colors helps to immediately draw the eye.
Please feel free to contact the artist creating your piece if you have a special request or instructions.
The piece shown is black walnut with maple at the top and bottom.
Sizes: Width x Height in inches
XL: 19" x 21" $1200
Large: 14" x 15.5 (Pictured) $900
Medium: 9" x 10" $600
Small: 5" x 6" $300
Set of 3: (Sm, Med, Lg) $1620 (Save 10%)
Set of all 4: (Sm, Med, Lg, XL) $2700 (Save 10%)
Our vases are made of real wood and cannot hold standing water or wet soil. If you wish to display real flowers, you'll need a separate vessel inside the vase. They are water resistant inside, so loose water won't damage them. Larger vases come equipped with a false bottom approximately 12" below the rim to accommodate flowers or other plants.